Topic Leader(s)
Topic Overview
60 min Karine Sevilla , Walter.kozlowski (Europe & APAC leaders) Security is key within a virtualized environment, it's an important topic for Anuket which aims to specify a trusted Cloud Infrastructure for workloads. During this session, we will discuss the updates made to the Reference Model for Kali release: open source software security, automation security challenges...
Slides & Recording
Live Interactive Session
- Reference Model security status
- GSMA cross collaboration
- Security updates included in Kali
- Next steps
- RM Security Chapter 7
- Cedric Ollivier: recommend to TSC to "Expand CVE from Functest to other Anuket projects and make the req.sec.oss.001 and req.sec.oss.002 requirements mandatory in the Anuket release process."