Dec 4 LFN Board review and vote on 5G SBP entering LFN as Incubation project.
Need to build out community commitments.
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page:
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted)
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Tomorrow (Tues 11/12) bi-weekly status meeting will be a project meeting for Application Centric Connectivity
TAC Incubation induction review on 11/13
need to build out community commitments.
Proposed Day 0 Milestones (M0) for new projects. (to be vetted)
M0- Project Champion- this person leads the project from a technical perspective
M0- Sponsering organization(s) (at least one) to see the project through
M0- Problem statement and resolution
M0- Business justification
M0- Who are the end users and how will they be reached (Outreach)? We need the voice of the end user(s) as input for the project at the onset to validate outcomes. ONAP and Nephio are doing this well.
M0- initial development resourses identified
Open Networking and Edge Summit CFP page:
NGMN- whitepaper- What does CN look like in the telco envir. Talk to Moshe. Can we look at some of these principals? These are benefits to SPs. CNTi is working with NGMN.
Induction Timeline-
Oct 04- Review and Modify period starts
Oct 15- Review and Modify period ends
Oct 16- TSC voting on documents starts
Oct 25- TSC voting ends
Oct 30- Release the documents to the TAC and ask to get on the TAC agenda for Nov 13 (assuming TSC approval, if not we’ll adjust).
Nov 13- Review the material on the TAC meeting. We will need TSC representation on the TAC call….. volunteers?
Lincoln to represent on the TAC call.
Dec 4- LFN Board review and vote
The TSC recommends using only1 logo; v1 upper left below.
Finish review of Technical Charter Draft. Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Finish LFN Induction slides
5G SBP Logo
LJ Illuzzi Zahir Patni Ranny Haiby
Received the OK from LF Legal to change name to 5G Super Blueprints
Finish review of Technical Charter Draft. Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Review LFN Induction slides
Meeting Notes:
Technical Charter- did not have quorum on the call, this discussion was postponed
Reviewed LFN Induction slides.
At what level do we want to strive for? Incubation? Graduated?
Action Items:
- LJ Illuzzi provide Induction slides draft to the TSC, before July 22
LJ Illuzzi Lincoln Lavoie Muddasar Ahmed Ranny Haiby AH (Deactivated)
TSC Meeting Cadence
Governance - Technical Charter
LFN Induction Prep - September
Outreach Strategy
UNH project
5G SBP TSC Wiki page updated
Meeting cadence - keep bi-weekly until after induction.
Technical Charter Draft-
Section 1 thru 6 or good to go.
Pickup discussion on Section 7 "Voting"
Outreach- messaging for inclusivity. Potential name change in the future
Next meeting is August 5
Action Items:
- LJ Illuzzi provide Induction draft to the TSC, before July 22