(MAC) Marketing Advisory Council

(MAC) Marketing Advisory Council

MAC Role

Per the LFN Charter, the role of the LFN MAC is the following:

Marketing Advisory Council

a) The MAC will consist of one appointed voting representative from each Platinum Member and each Gold Member and additional representatives of any Member may attend meetings of the MAC on a non-voting basis.

b) The MAC will be responsible for:

i) interfacing with the Governing Board with respect to the Governing Board’s goals for marketing and outreach for the Directed Fund and support of the Technical Projects;

ii) designing and developing, with input from the Governing Board and, as appropriate, the Technical Projects, an umbrella marketing and outreach plan (the “Marketing Plan”), which Marketing Plan is subject to approval by the Governing Board;

iii) engaging with the Technical Projects to identify their respective and collective needs from a marketing and outreach perspective and to reflect those needs, consistent with available resources, in the Marketing Plan;

iv) coordinating the Directed Fund’s outbound outreach, communications and engagement with the communities and external audiences, including events, tradeshows, websites, etc;

v) establishing outreach working groups as needed (e.g. to coordinate project or technical area marketing needs), subject to approval of the Governing Board; and vi) such other matters related to marketing as may be directed to the MAC by the Governing Board.

c) The MAC will elect a Chair who will be responsible for reporting progress back to the Governing Board. Unless otherwise requested by the Governing Board, the MAC Chair may attend meetings of the Governing Board, but will not attend as a voting member of the Governing Board.

Monthly MAC Meetings

LFN MAC Meetings occur roughly 1x per calendar month. See the Groups.io Calendar to confirm the next meeting date/time.

Listed below is the MAC Meeting Bridge and schedule. Note: You must be a designated MAC representative from your company to attend these calls. Please indicate your interest in joining the MAC by signing up to the mailing list and emailing  @Jill Lovato.

Mailing List

Employees of LFN Member companies are welcome to join the MAC mailing list and attend MAC meetings. You can request to join the MAC mailing list here (again, members only please): https://lists.lfnetworking.org/g/lfn-mac.


Due to recent security upgrades. MAC Meeting information will only be distributed via the MAC Mailing list and calendar on Groups.io. 


Please email @Jill Lovato.

Meeting Presentations / Minutes are available on the menu to the left. 

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