2019-03-01 Meeting notes
Mar 1, 2019
@Casey Cain
@Edward Vielmetti
@Ed Warnicke
@Morgan Richomme
@Kenny Paul
@Ed Kern (Deactivated)
@Wenjing Chu
@Jim Baker
@Trevor Bramwell
Follow Up Items
Joe Ghalam to research licensing around redis
Phil Robb look into paying for a circleci plan for a POC
Ed Warnicke provide Phil Robb with information required for circleci and broker introductions
Christophe Closset onboard a project to circleci for testing a POC
Ed Vielmetti provide information on gitlabci to Phil
Casey Cain Follow up on:
Need to get estimate of "build minutes" by category to understand potential costs for "AsAService" costs to compare. category we think is gerrit, jenkins, nexus
Need estimate of current costs for VM based gerrit/jenkins/nexus tool chain
Number of Build Minutes (last 90 days): - src bitergia
ODL: 3,078,224.58
ONAP: 790,041.78 - Note ONAP has several Jenkins/Gilab systems... this IS only one of them (https://jenkins.onap.org/) Not included is http://onapci.org/jenkins/, http://jenkins.onap.info/, https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/onap_oom_automatic_installation/pipelines, https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/xtesting-onap/pipelines)
OPNFV: 3,300,000
FD.io: ???
CircleCI: 100k credits for $60. 40 credits/min for X-Large (8 CPU, 16GB), so pricing with $0.024/m (https://circleci.com/pricing/usage/)
Gitlab.com fees: https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/, free for Open Source project : Gold& Ultimates (https://about.gitlab.com/2018/06/05/gitlab-ultimate-and-gold-free-for-education-and-open-source/)
Back of the Envelope Estimates per project:
ODL: 3,078,224.58m x $0.024/m - $73,877.84/quarter
ONAP: 790,041.78m x $0.024/m - $18,960/quarter
OPNFV: 3,300,000m x $0.024/m - $79,200/quarter
FD.io: ??? - $9k/q (source: eaw back of the envelope in the past)
Agenda next week
@Ed Kern (Deactivated) to demo drone environment
Possible to get a status on LF Hardware available per project?