Tips for Advertising, Planning, and Managing your Topics
This page is currently in Draft
Are you planning a topic for an upcoming Developer or Virtual Event? Here are some tips from our community members to help your session be successful.
Keep in mind any/all of the recommendations below are simply guidelines.
Advertising the session: Creating the Blurb
Developing a effective marketing blurb about the session will help attendees know what to expect from the session. Below are some recommendations to develop a blurb about your session:
Create a brief description of the content: "RM/RA/RI/RC deep dive" or "Field trial Results" or "OPNFV/CNTT relationship"
Specify the nature of the session: “Technical proposal for review”/”Lessons learned”/”Technical report”/”Brainstorming”/”Governance"/other”
Specify your goals for the session (E.g. ”Make a decision on xyz.”, “Recruit volunteers for a work-group”, “Reach consensus on abc”, ”Solicit feedback on xyz topic”, etc.)
Describe the primary target audience and/or prerequisites:
Is it for the community at large? Subject matter Experts? End Users? etc.
Are there specific knowledge requirements/other sessions that the attend should know/attend?
Anything you do to improve the understanding of the session will improve the experience for all.
Planning the session: Logistics and Planning
Laying out a plan for the delivery of the session improves the chances of accomplishing the goals of the session. Please consider the following recommendations:
Determine how much time will be required, and how the time will it be divided between presentation and discussion.
Determine the appropriate time frame for posting the presentation materials (Before the session vs after the session)
Determine the medium will be used for driving the session:
A slide deck?
GitHub issue backlog?
Wiki page?
Staffing the session:
Assign a Host, scribe and a moderator
Scribe - Takes important and action items, and should be a separate person from Presenter and or Moderator
Moderator monitors time and questions, keep the dialog on track, and the session on schedule.
Host is responsible for opening the Session Bridge, and managing the record functions. Host and Moderator can be the same person.
Establish note taking method:
Etherpad? Wiki? (Community Choice)
If possible, include a link to your minutes page in advance of the meeting as a part of your Topic Proposal.
Presenters are responsible for ensuring they deliver the appropriate level of content in the time allotted. Dry runs of the sessions are encouraged.
During the session: Executing the session effectively.
The session is the critical last step. If you have advertised and planned well, the following recommendations should simple to execute:
Sessions should be recorded and transcribed. The Bridge Host is responsible for managing the recording.
As part of the opening, The moderator or presenter should advise the attendees of the recording.
Moderators and presenters would together to keep the session on track, yet still allow for flexibility to support collaboration.
Session schedule should allow for attendees to get to the next session they want to attend. please consider building a few minutes at the end to allow for this.
If more time is required for the session discussion, schedule and use one of the “hallway” Zoom meetings.
A schedule page will be available for you to allocate additional time in the hallway bridges.
Please be respectful of time already schedule for the hallway bridges