2022-01-11 - Anuket: Hybrid Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
Topic Leader(s)
@Karine Sevilla
@John Hartley
Topic Overview
Present current state of modelling Hybrid Multi-Cloud Infrastructure in Anuket Lakelse specifications in view of evolving telecommunications industry, and lead an open discussion on the topics requiring attention in future Anuket releases.
Slides & Recording
Live Interaction Session
Session Recording:
Hybrid Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
Current industry challenges around Hybrid Multi-Cloud for telco operators and technology suppliers
Current Anuket Lakelse model of Hybrid Multi-Cloud Infrastructure - Actors and Interactions, Security, Automation
Discuss topics needed further development in Anuket model of Hybrid Multi-Cloud
Other Observations
@Beth CohenThe hyperscalers are not very friendly about their customers who want to use multiple cloud vendors. That is where the Telcos can really shine. I think that the hyperscalers do NOT want to become regulated entities – so they will shy away from anything that might possibly make them a "utility".
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Besides offering protection from lock-in, are there other benefits for the customer to have multi cloud service? Some environments may be better for different use cases. Also the geo example Pankaj raises seems sensible
@Beth Cohen Many are using it so they can pick best of breed capabilities. Also geographic diversity. HA reasons also.
@John Hartley Edge is commonly a different platform from the core, so there is a built in motivation to support multi-cloud.
Hyperscalers do not have the experience of delivering services over a WAN environment.
Telcos do not have experience on offering cloud? Agree - Disagree? Some of the Telco's attempted to compete with the hyperscalers a few years ago. I think for the most part telcos have gotten out of the business. (Verizon/Terremark)
NOTE: Key issue is deliberate diversity (lack of harmonization) and hence need for operators to manage this.
the new sandbox LFN project, EMCO, should be able to provide capabilities in this area in conjunction with Anuket
XGVELA is focussing on Telco PaaS assuming that Anuket will specify general PaaS services (LB, DB, DNS, etc.)
Other Use Cases
Special purpose clouds such as Game clouds?
Operator Story: Other Viewpoints
Should Anuket focus on supporting the telco use of multi-clouds for their own use?
Support for telco customers to allow them to connect to multi-clouds.
NOTE: Specific regulatory needs such as: Lawful Intercept (voice) and IP source/dest logging are generic (and not contained to particular local regulation)
What are the Key Industry Drivers?
Telcos and customers want to remain flexible and use the hyperscalers and their own private clouds as it fits the use cases best.
would there be use-specific clouds? such as a "Game Cloud"? Other areas?
what would the reqts for such use-specific clouds be?
What are the Challenges for Telcos and HCOs?
Working together when they have two very different motivations and business drivers
What should Anuket Focus on? Specify?
@Ulrich KleberWhat do we expect from multi-cloud? Management, Interactions to be considered, etc.?
@Karine Sevilla Anuket should differentiate 2 use cases: multi cloud to offer services to customers and multi cloud to host telco internal services
@Gergely CsatariHCOs will not standardize and so Vendors have to step into the breach. What role does Anuket play?
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Anuket could be specifying requirements in multi cloud management, it would seem.
@John HartleyMarket will not deliver a "single pane of glass".
@Karine SevillaAnuket can provide requirements for a "single pane of glass", and also for operations and assurance
@Pankaj.GoyalResource level abstractions and generic operations on them.
@Beth CohenAnuket can provide the requirements for the tools to support multi-cloud environments
requirements can be used for assurance programs
Some of the AI work can automate some of these requirements
Hybrid includes private/on-prem cloud and public clouds working in tandem/co-operatively
Are there a set (small) of PaaS services that should be included in Anuket reqts? What services? What should be specified about these services? Features, interactions, management, control, ...?
@Karine SevillaAnuket can develop on security requirements and generic regulatory requirements