2022-01-13 - ONAP: Intent-driven CCVPN usecase

2022-01-13 - ONAP: Intent-driven CCVPN usecase

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Dong Wang (China Telecom)

  • @Henry Yu (Huawei)

  • @Keguang He (CMCC)

Topic Description

50m, @Dong Wang

A demo of intent-driven CCVPN usecase developed in Istanbul release.

Topic Overview

Intent-based networking (IBN) is a self-driving network that uses decoupling network control logic and closed-loop orchestration techniques to automate application intents. An IBN is an intelligent network, which can automatically convert, verify, deploy, configure, and optimize itself to achieve target network state according to the intent of the operators, and can automatically solve abnormal events to ensure the network reliability. In R9, a scenario of intent guarantee is proposed, and the development of Intent instance has been done to support the use cases of both CCVPN and E2E Slicing. This session will demonstrate the intent-driven CCVPN usecase developed in Istanbul release.

Slides & Recording



Awesome presentation

  • Point 1

  • Point 2


Action Items