2022-04-15 June DTF Meeting notes
2022-04-15 June DTF Meeting notes
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
Call for Topics
We should start by identifying when topic proposals are in. There will need to be additional run-time so that we can publish the schedule in advance of the event.
Tentatively agreed to May 27, 2022 for topic submissions.
Agreed to publish the schedule by Jun 3, 2022
Reviewed venue information
5 Rooms 19 people ea
1 Room 35 People
1 Room 45 people
4 airwalled rooms that fit 192 people in total (in classroom setup)
Need to look at screen availability
Action items
@Heather Kirksey We need to understand the costs for room turns
, multiple selections available,