New ODL CSIT Framework

New ODL CSIT Framework

Internship Projects/Mentors


New ODL CSIT Framework


Candidate Selected




Currently, OpenDaylight project relies on Robot Framework to run CSIT (Continuous System and Integration Test). This has proven to be very stable and scalable framework for 10+ years, however times have changed and developers working in agile mode usually write system and integration code along with writing new features. In the new paradigm, Robot framework is more an obstacle than a help since developers have to ramp up in a new language that soon find very limiting compared to python or other language. The work in this internship is to look up modern open source test framework (python based) that are well supported and maintained (e.g. pytest, nosetest , etc), select one and write the core test libraries (e.g. REST, SSH, install ODL, etc) so that developers can start using this framework in addition to the existing Robot Framework.

Additional Information

There is quite a few Robot libraries that can be used as reference to write the test libraries for other frameworks: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=integration/test.git;a=tree;f=csit/libraries

Note that from the above link, only a few libraries like REST, SSH, Cluster, are broadly used so those will be the core libraries in the new framework.

Learning Objectives

The intern will gain experience in open source, OpenDaylight and python system test framework.

Expected Outcome

Core system test libraries written in a python system test framework.

Relation to LF Networking 


Education Level



  • Python


  • Jenkins 

Future plans

Integration/test devs will maintain the core test libraries, projects will use these to write their system test code.

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship

20 hours a week for 24 weeks

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Click here to apply

Please read all instructions before applying.  Include Resume, proof of school enrollment, and participation permission from school/employer

Luis Gomez, ecelgp@gmail.com

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