TAC Roles

TAC Roles

TAC Role and Responsibilities

The role of the TAC is to facilitate communication and collaboration among the Technical Projects.
The TACs responsibilies are described in section 7.a. of the Charter.

The role of the TAC is to facilitate communication and collaboration among the Technical Projects. The TAC will be responsible for: i) coordinating collaboration among Technical Projects, including development of an overall technical vision for the community; ii) making recommendations to the Finance Committee of resource priorities for Technical Projects; 8 iii) electing annually a representative to serve on the Governing Board as the TAC’s representative on the Governing Board (the “TAC Representative”); iv) setting processes and procedures for the election annually by vote, by and from among the committers and maintainers to any Technical Project, an individual to serve as a representative of the development community on the Governing Board (the “Committer Representative”). Nominations to the position of Committer Representative are subject to Governing Board approval; and v) such other matters related to the technical role of the TAC as may be communicated to the TAC by the Governing Board. b) For the first twelve months following the initial meeting of the Governing Board and until otherwise determined by the TAC pursuant to Section 7.c., the voting members of the TAC consist of: i) one representative appointed by each Platinum Member; provided, that if any two or more members are together part of a group of Related Companies (as defined in Section 9), up to two such Platinum Members of that group of Related Companies may each appoint one representative; and ii) one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a Technical Steering Committee) of each TAC Project. c) At any time following the first anniversary of the initial meeting of the Governing Board, the TAC may by vote decide upon an alternate structure for voting representation on the TAC, subject to the approval of the Governing Board. d) One representative of any Member may observe meetings of the TAC. The TAC may change this at any point in time, including: (a) opening meetings to invited members of the community; (b) holding closed meetings; and (c) holding meetings open to the public. e) At the start of the Directed Fund, “TAC Projects” are those Technical Projects listed as having voting representatives on the TAC on the Directed Fund’s web site. Thereafter, any Technical Project can become a TAC Project through the approval of the Technical Project’s technical oversight body, the TAC, and the Governing Board. The TAC and the Governing Board may approve a project lifecycle policy that will address the incubation and archival of TAC Projects.

TAC Members

As of April 2022:

Until otherwise determined by the TAC pursuant to Section 7.c., the voting members of the TAC consist of:

i)  one representative appointed by each Platinum Member; provided, that if any two or more members are together part of a group of Related Companies (as defined in Section 9), up to two such Platinum Members of that group of Related Companies may each appoint one representative; and
ii)  one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a Technical Steering Committee) of each TAC Project.;
iii) the Committer Representative (as defined herein);
iv) up to two representatives ("TAC Appointees") appointed by the TAC (using processes and procedures defined by the TAC).

TAC Chair

The TAC will elect from amongst the voting TAC members a chairperson for a term of one year. The TAC shall hold elections to select a TAC Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a TAC Chair may serve. 


The primary responsibility of the TAC Chair is to lead the TAC in fulfilling its responsibilities as outlined in section 7 of the LF Networking Fund Charter and to be responsible for:

  • Leading TAC meetings;

  • Representing the TAC and the technical community within and outside of LFN by:

    • Serving as the TAC representative to the Governing Board

    • Should the TAC chair be unable or unwilling to serve as the TAC representative to the Governing Board the vice-chair will serve as the TAC representative to the Governing Board

    • Serving as the TAC representative to the SPC

These responsibilities may be delegated to another member of the technical community.


The TAC will elect from amongst voting TAC members a Vice-Chair.  The TAC shall hold elections to select a Vice-Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a Vice-Chair may serve. 


The Vice-Chair will support the TAC Chair.

The Vice-Chair will represent the TAC when the TAC Chair is not available unless another delegation has been made explicitly. 

LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR)

  • The role of the LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR) is to represent the committers and contributors to LFN projects at the LFN Governing board.  The expectation of the LGBMCR is to attend all LFN Governing board meetings (and any appropriate ancillary meetings), gather input from the committer community for issues raised at the board level, and to communicate to the committer community key activities from board.

  • LGBMCR is elected for the 1 year. Re-election is not possible.

TAC Appointed Seats

The TAC may itself appoint up to two members at the needs of the TAC.

Number of TAC Appointed Members

  • The TAC may at any point by majority vote add up to two TAC Appointed member seats to the TAC.

  • The TAC Appointed seat expires at the conclusion of the term of the person selected to fill it.

TAC Appointed Candidates

  • Candidates for TAC Appointment to the TAC are nominated by the existing TAC members.

  • A nomination page will be created for each candidate, including a supporting statement and contact information

  • Candidates must accept nomination prior to consideration.

  • Failure to accept within two weeks is considered declining the nomination.

  • Once the candidates' nomination period is complete, there will be a 14-day period for the TAC to contact and evaluate candidate submissions.

Current Seats


The role of the security SME is to work with project TSCs, the TAC and the LFNGB to improve the security of the code produced by LFN projects by

  • Implementing more secure software development culture:

    • Secure software development best practices and tools (e.g. from the survey table),

    • Software development best practices and tools that decrease the vulnerabilities in LFN project code (code scanning, package upgrades),

    • Software supply chain security best practices (SBOM, code/container signing) to increase the security transparency of LFN project code,

    • LFIT security practice improvement,

    • OpenSSF badging assistance.

  • Identify cross-open source project security issues and provide actionable recommendations.

  • Keep track of The Open Source Software Security Mobilization Plan implementation and identify touch points for LFN projects.

  • Providing subject matter expertise to the TAC.

  • Advising the TAC on security-related issues.

5G Super Blueprint

Good characteristics for candidates to fill the TAC Seat supporting 5G include:

  • Thought leader and visionary on 5G and 6G solutions, industry trends, Use Cases.

  • Advise on Use Cases that differentiate Open Source 5G/6G solutions (within the 5G SBP Use Case Advisory Group)

  • Advise on Use Cases that add value for service providers and cultivate business Use Cases (within the 5G SBP Use Case Advisory Group)

  • Ability to span across parallel/sister communities and umbrellas (LF Edge, Energy, Health, etc.), from a technical standpoint, to identify potential technical fits with the 5G SBP

  • Contribute technical expertise to 5G SBP from an architecture and topology standpoint to fit a given Use Case.

  • Advise the TAC on trends in 5G/6G and potential project fit for the LFN umbrella


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