TAC Structure Brainstorming (2022)

TAC Structure Brainstorming (2022)


All TAC members, please complete prior to our meeting on April 20th:

From the brainstorming session on Feb 9, 2022, the TAC identified the following characteristics as desirable in a TAC member:

Potential TAC Candidate Pools

In determining a new TAC structure, some groups of possible members could be:

  • Project representatives

    • Which projects should be eligible to appoint/elect representatives to the TAC?

      • Graduated (TAC) only

      • Graduated (TAC) and Incubation

      • Graduated (TAC) and Incubation and Sandbox

    • How shall project representatives be elected/appointed?

      • Representative is TSC Chair

      • TSC appoints representative

      • TSC holds election for representative

      • Each TSC determines their own process

  • LFN Membership representatives – current TAC membership allows each Platinum member to assign a member to the TAC.  

    • Which LFN members should be able to appoint members to the TAC?

      • All Platinum members

      • Election of X members among Platinum member appointees; voting done by Platinum GB reps if >X appointees are nominated

      • Election of X & Y members among Platinum & Gold member appointees (respectively);  voting done by Platinum/Gold GB reps if >X/Y appointees are nominated

      • Appointees from platinum members with vetting by current TAC

      • None

  • At Large Membership

  • TAC Appointed Specialty Seats

    • TAC may identify a limited (1-2) number of seats for needed skills & appoint representatives

Additional open questions

  • How to transition?

  • How elections are held?

  • Number of seats for each category

Other Communities' Structures


"The Governing Board shall elect six (6) TOC members, the End User TAB shall elect two (2) TOC members, the non-sandbox project maintainers shall elect one (1) TOC member, and the TOC members shall elect an additional two (2) TOC members. Each group is defined as a Selecting Group." (source)

LF Edge

The voting members of the TAC consist of

  • one representative appointed by each Premier Member; and

  • one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project (as defined herein). 



The voting members of the TAC consist of: i) one representative appointed by each Premier Member; and ii) one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project (as defined herein).  (source)