TAC Structure Brainstorming (2022)
All TAC members, please complete prior to our meeting on April 20th:
From the brainstorming session on Feb 9, 2022, the TAC identified the following characteristics as desirable in a TAC member:
Potential TAC Candidate Pools
In determining a new TAC structure, some groups of possible members could be:
Project representatives
Which projects should be eligible to appoint/elect representatives to the TAC?
Graduated (TAC) only
Graduated (TAC) and Incubation
Graduated (TAC) and Incubation and Sandbox
How shall project representatives be elected/appointed?
Representative is TSC Chair
TSC appoints representative
TSC holds election for representative
Each TSC determines their own process
LFN Membership representatives – current TAC membership allows each Platinum member to assign a member to the TAC.
Which LFN members should be able to appoint members to the TAC?
All Platinum members
Election of X members among Platinum member appointees; voting done by Platinum GB reps if >X appointees are nominated
Election of X & Y members among Platinum & Gold member appointees (respectively); voting done by Platinum/Gold GB reps if >X/Y appointees are nominated
Appointees from platinum members with vetting by current TAC
At Large Membership
Should a number of seats on the TAC be open to at-large membership?
Yes, anyone is eligible to run
Yes, eligibility determined same as candidate definition from Governing Board Member Committers Representative
Yes, eligibility determined same as voting definition from Governing Board Member Committers Representative
Who should be able to vote for these seats
Anyone (publicized to all LFN lists)
LFN Project TSC members
Same as voting definition from Governing Board Member Committers Representative
TAC Appointed Specialty Seats
TAC may identify a limited (1-2) number of seats for needed skills & appoint representatives
Additional open questions
How to transition?
How elections are held?
Number of seats for each category
Other Communities' Structures
"The Governing Board shall elect six (6) TOC members, the End User TAB shall elect two (2) TOC members, the non-sandbox project maintainers shall elect one (1) TOC member, and the TOC members shall elect an additional two (2) TOC members. Each group is defined as a Selecting Group." (source)
LF Edge
The voting members of the TAC consist of
one representative appointed by each Premier Member; and
one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project (as defined herein).
The voting members of the TAC consist of: i) one representative appointed by each Premier Member; and ii) one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project (as defined herein). (source)