2023-11 - Plenary: An Introduction to GitHub Actions

2023-11 - Plenary: An Introduction to GitHub Actions

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Matt Watkins

Topic Description

An introduction to GitHub actions and workflow migrations from JJB and global-JJB templates. @Matt Watkins 

Topic Overview

The LF Release Engineering team have started migration some of our jobs from Jenkins Jobs to GitHub actions.

This presentation will provide an overview of these two systems and highlight their functionality and the differences between them.

Slides & Recording


  • Demo / Informational (non-interactive)

    • Slide deck and an interactive session with a browser demonstrating GHA functionality

Session recordings may be uploaded to our YouTube Channel at the discretion of the LFN Staff.

Slide Deck

Audio Recording

Video Recording


An introduction to GitHub Actions

  • Action triggers

  • Sample workflows

  • Demonstration of Python project

  • LF jobs and JJB template migration

  • Migration tooling

  • Composable actions/workflows


No minutes will be taken, but a slide deck and session recording will be provided for review.

Action Items

Create slide deck