Anuket SPC representative nominations

Anuket SPC representative nominations

The strategic planning committee is the primary advisory committee to the LFN governing board. Please review the charter and membership as you consider your nomination


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Short Biography

Nomination Statement


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Short Biography

Nomination Statement

@Trevor Cooper


Trevor is a leading engineer in Intel's Network Virtualization initiatives and has worked on Networking technologies for over 25 years. His focus is Edge Cloud and is involved with a number of open source communities including OPNFV, OpenStack and Akraino. He is interested in all things NFV and Edge, in particular related to network performance and testing.

Trevor currently represents OPNFV on the SPC and has done an admirable job. There are times when Trevor's long-standing knowledge of virtualization and open source communities are a critical asset in this position. Trevor is a founding participant in OPNFV, a former PTL of the VSPerf Project, and a member of OPNFV TSC for several years. IMO, he is the ideal candidate for consistency in a time of change elsewhere.

@Al Morton made this nomination on Dec 11, 2020 .

@Beth Cohen

Beth Cohen picture


In her role at Verizon, Beth develops Software Defined Network and Edge products leveraging the Verizon global network.  She has been responsible for the launch of several successful products including Secure Cloud Interconnect, which allows companies to connect to public cloud services over private networks, and Virtual Network Services, which is a market leading SDN product. She has been leading technology transformation since her days working on advanced networking and managed network services at BBN, the actual inventors of the Internet.  She is an active participant in the Open Source community, holding leadership roles with the LF Networking Anuket infrastructure project, and is a founder and co-lead of the OpenStack Foundation Edge Working Group.

Beth has been an active member of the CNTT Governance and Marketing teams since the foundation of CNTT.  Recently, she has been deeply involved in the Meld activities, driving the smooth merge of CNTT and OPNFV projects. With her deep knowledge and experience with the work of both CNTT and OPNFV, as well her active participation in the Open Source community in leading roles, Beth is ideally positioned for the SPC role.  I am therefore very happy nominating her for the role.

@Walter.kozlowski made this nomination on  Dec 15, 2020