2021-09-07 TSC Minutes

TSC Meeting Zoom || Meeting Recordings

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below.  Community members tag themselves in the section below the voting members.

X = Present | P = Proxy  (Indicate below table with @name for @name

TSC Members

Qihui Zhao

Xiaohua Zhang

Sandeep Karkala


Azhar Sayeed

Anders Fagerlind

Ahmed ElSawwaf

Seshu Kumar


Vance Shipley


Gergely Csatari

Zeyuan Huang

Huifeng Le


Wenqiang Yang

Wang Changjin

LF Staff: 

Community: @Mike Recchia   @George


  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Agenda Bashing, Roll Call, Action Items

  • Releases

    •  Release contents check:

      • Document: Architecture doc, operator requirements doc & use cases

      • Seedcode progress

      • Seedcode description

      • Demo & Release candidate

  • General Topics

  • Any Other Topics


Release Update  

  • @Sandeep Karkala 

  • Document:

    • Architecture Doc: Qihui updated offline that architecture document update is in progress.

    • Use cases: Qihui, Vance, Seshu and Sandeep have volunteered 

  • Seedcode progress:

    • @Sandeep Karkala  updated the current status of the seed code

    • Seed code compilation to be completed by this week

    • Starting next week focus is to run the seed code in local system with sample application

Action Items