Release Process
2022 Trial Scheme. Reviewed on TSC meeting 2022-02-08.
XGVela, the telecom cloud native PaaS platform project, is a loosely coupled project. Each of Telco PaaS capabilities and Adaptation Layer capabilities, which XGVela plans to deliver, can either be treated as a group of independent projects, or be combined and treated as one project. The decision will be made at the beginning of project lifecycle by Project’s Committer. And the projects are primaryly self-managed projects.
For each project, the Project’s Committer make all decisions about Releases of that Project. However, following the Release Process is required. The purpose of the Release Process is to insure openness and maximum opportunity for participation. The idea is to have a simple, clear, public declaration of what a project intends to do and when, and what was actually done in a release cycle.
Recommended Time Node of Release Progress
Event | Description | Date | Detailed Requirements |
Release Start | The start date of project's release. | Start date |
Initial Checkpoint | TSC review Release Plan provided by Project's committer. | Start date + 1 or 2 weeks |
Middle Checkpoint (Optional) | TSC review release progress provided by Project's committer. | Start date + (1/2)*Release duration Release duration = release end date - start date |
Final Checkpoint | TSC review Release Review provided by Project's committer. | Release end date - 1 or 2 weeks |
Formal Release | Release end date | ||
Release Marketing | Prepare release marketing materials. | Release end date + 2 weeks |
A Release Plan is recommended to contain the following information
Contents | Description |
Project name | / |
Introduction | Provide the overview of the project and current status, which covers existing architecture, feature, stability, maturity, etc. |
Planned Major Accomplishments for the Release (Important) | This covers the major accomplishments that the project wants to cover during the release, such as feature, bugfixes, test coverage, documentation, etc. |
Relationship Clarification (Important) | For this part, when making plans and accomplishment, please clarify the relationship with other projects/open-source software/previous releases, and how to collaborate with them. |
Release Milestones (Important) | Milestones and timelines for the release. |
Release leader and active committer | A list of release leader's and active committers' information, which includes name, email, contact, company, release contents involvement. |
Challenges (if any) | Challenges the project is facing and needs help with from other projects, the TSC or the LFN umbrella. |
A Release Review is recommended to contain the following information
Contents | Description |
Project name | / |
Release Accomplishment (Important) | This covers the major accoplishment of the release, such as delivered feature, budfixes, pased test, delivered documentation, etc. |
Summary of Outstanding Accomplishment | Highlight outstanding accomplishment and explain its benefit. |
Delta between planned and actual accomplishement (Important) | List the difference between the planned accomplishement in Release Plan and the actual accomplement. |
Plans for Next Release (if any) | Brief description of plans for next release. |