Release 11.2022 Schedule

The first XGVela release (Release 11.2022) plans to be delivered in 2022. Duration will last for around 6 months. Detailed timeliness are listed below.



Relative Dates

Start Relative Dates




Relative Dates

Start Relative Dates


Release Start


Start Date

Start Date

Declare Intention.

For new projects whose feature not covered in Projects page, submit Project Proposals in wiki under projects.

For potential projects whose features already discussed as release 1 candidate in Projects page, submit  Project Proposals and clarify covered features in Projects page.

Initial Checkpoint


Start Date + 2 Weeks

Start Date + 2 Weeks

Initial Checkpoint. All Projects must have completed project proposal.

For new projects whose feature not covered in  Projects page, apply for TSC review through . Relationship with existing features and projects should be clarified.

For potential projects whose features already discussed as release 1 candidate in Projects page, send email of project proposal to

Integrated Projects deadline

(Optional for first release)


Initial Checkpoint + 2 Weeks

Start Date + 4 Weeks

As this is the first release, this is the period for each project to confirm the version of the projects they want to integrate.  This is the deadline for the confirmation. (For release 1, there is no previous xgvela version to be integrated, each project would list their own integration reliance and make sure the projects to be integrated can work normally)

Middle Checkpoint


Integrated projects deadline + 8 weeks

Start Date + 12 Weeks

Middle Checkpoint for progress of all Projects.

Code Freeze


Middle checkpoint + 4 Weeks

Start Date + 16 Weeks

Code freeze for all Projects - cut and lock release branch. 

Final Checkpoint


Code Freeze + 4 Weeks

Start Date + 20 Weeks

Final Checkpoint for all project. Documentation should be completed before final checkpoint.

Formal Release


Final checkpoint + 2 Weeks

Start Date + 22 Weeks

Formal Release for XGVela.

How to prepare key contents of each event? Please go to Release Process.