AI/ML data and model sharing

AI/ML data and model sharing

This is a collective workspace for exploring how to apply open source processes to the development of AI/ML models for use in the operations of intelligent networks.

Ideas on data sharing

Ideas on specific use cases to lead the exploration

  • If you are an operator or vendor that would like to propose a use case - please add it to the table

  • If you are an operator or vendor that is interested in one of the listed use cases - please add your name to the table together with proposed contributions, if any

Use Case


Interested Developer

Interested Operator

Use Case


Interested Developer

Interested Operator

<sample use case>

<In this use case ML is used to predict lightning strikes on cell towers> 

Company 1: <Acme Inc.>

Contact person1 : <Dr. Emmett Brown>

Proposed contribution1:<models, algorithms. etc>

Company 2: <Hooli Inc.>

Contact person2 : <Gavin Belson>

Proposed contribution2:<models, algorithms. etc>

Company 1: <Western Union>

Contact person 1: <Marty McFly>

Proposed contribution 1:<access to lab, data lake, anonymized data set, etc.>

Congestion Prediction & Mitigation

This use case will demonstrate how AI/ML may be used to predict congestion and perform closed loop automation for executing configuration changes to mitigate.

Company 1: Samsung

Contact person 1: @Ranny Haiby

Proposed contribution 1:O-RAN-SC xApp, non-RT RIC, rAPP & AI server

Company 2:

Contact person2 :

Proposed contribution2:

Sleeper Cell Detection

Predict a cell going to "sleep" and handover a critical UE (e.g. ambulance) to another cell.

Company 1: Samsung

Contact person 1: @Ranny Haiby

Proposed contribution 1:O-RAN-SC Non-RT-RIC rApp 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals#2020OctoberVirtualTechnicalEventTopicProposals-ONAP:A1PolicyenforcementwithNon-RTRIC

Company 2:

Contact person2 :

Proposed contribution2:

Traffic Steering

Improve Quality of Experience (QoE) by steering UE traffic among multiple cells.

Company 1: Samsung

Contact person 1: @Ranny Haiby

Proposed contribution 1:O-RAN-SC xApp

Company 2:

Contact person2 :

Proposed contribution2:

Soft fault detection and resolution

Detect "soft" faults that are not often caught because they are hidden by the redundant systems.  Example, would be faults that bounce for a short time, so are ignored by service assurance.  We want to use AI/ML to detect patterns of faults to uncover the ones that might not have an immediate impact on network performance, but will over time as the network degrades.

Company 1: Verizon

Contact person 1: @Beth Cohen

Deterministic  Predictive capacity planning

Ability to detect usage patterns so that the network can be used more efficiently, don't need to built to peak.

Company 1: Verizon

Contact person 1: @Beth Cohen

Ideas on managing privacy of data and models

Background data

Results from the EUAG "Intelligent Networks" survey Data_All_210106.pdf

Notes from Feb 17, 2021 EUAG/TAC discussion

Notes from Mar 17, 2021  EUAG/TAC discussion

Telecom Italia Big Data Challenge

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