2019-03-08 Meeting notes
Mar 8, 2019
@Casey Cain @Thanh Ha @Trevor Bramwell @Trishan de Lanerolle @Former user (Deleted) @Jim Baker @Kenny Paul
@Ed Kern (Deactivated) @Ed Warnicke @FREEMAN, BRIAN D @Morgan Richomme @chrisC(Att) @Former user (Deleted) @tnadeau @daniel takamori (pono)
Ed Kern previews drone and circleci
circleci uses nomad for orchestrator and doesn't support ARM
drone has shared memory constraints and does support ARM
a drone server can drive to a nomad cluster
used by vpp for ~5years because jenkins on openstack was unstable and at the time any disk writes were slow
can link to a ngrok container to get to drone server on other side of firewalls
After getting more specific numbers, compare the direct costs for leveraging As A Service.
Discussion over the "sales phase" for migrations and how do we mitigate concerns
fd.io has then issue with infra limitations onap suffers from build/release complexity
recount of hydrogen release challenge - never, ever again
@Thanh Ha notes " If it's any consolation ODL's release process is fairly straight forward these days :)"
Once final numbers are available, the PMs will need to raise the issue with their respective TSCs
Would be nice to have everyone on one platform, but each community will no doubt have their own preferences
@Ed Warnicke talking to gitlab on "bundle and save" - our current projects don't qualify for free
@Jim Baker at least in onap little appetite for tool chain transitions @FREEMAN, BRIAN D notes more timing and "safety"
@Thanh Ha ODL transitioned from rackspace to vexxhost a year ago and would not be hip to moving again any time soon. Key concern is migration plan (job migrations), it's not something that can happen over night.
@Trevor Bramwell notes that it will be unlikely that any transition will be in isolation. Likely to need migrating to a few tools due to dependencies even if communities only want to change one.