2022-08-31 TAC Minutes
Attendees & Representation (default sort: member first name)
TAC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below
Non-TAC project reps do not count towards meeting quorum
X = Present | P = Proxy (Indicate in the table with @name for @name
Chairperson | Vice-Chair | Community Seat | Community Seat |
@djhunt | @cl664y@att.com |
ONAP | OpenDaylight | Anuket | FD.io | |
@cl664y@att.com | @Robert Varga | @Walter.kozlowski @Gergely Csatari @Lincoln Lavoie @Al Morton | @Dave Wallace | |
ODIM | EMCO | XGVela | L3AF | Tungsten Fabric |
@Alex Vul (Deactivated) | @Amar Kapadia | @Qihui Zhao | @Santhosh Fernandes | @Nick Davey |
Representing | Member | Representing | Member | |
AT&T | @cl664y@att.com | Intel | @Nadathur Sundar | |
China Mobile | @Lingli Deng | Juniper Networks | @Nick Davey (TF) | |
China Telecom | @Xiaojun Xie | Nokia | @Olaf Renner | |
Cisco | @Frank Brockners | Orange | @Cédric Ollivier | |
Deutsche Telekom | @Marc Fiedler | Red Hat | @Stephen Flaherty | |
Ericsson | @Christian Olrog Atlassian | Tech Mahindra | @Dhananjay Pavgi | |
@Ramesh Nagarajan | Verizon | @Anil Guntupalli | ||
Huawei | @Huijun Yu | Walmart | @Santhosh Fernandes | |
IBM | @djhunt (Chair) | ZTE | @ChangJin Wang |
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Ranny Haiby @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Community: @Timo Perala
Start the Recording
We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
TAC Appointed Member Seats
LFN Infrastructure Goals
Revisit Community recommendations
Common Infrastructure needs across projects, reporting to LF Engineering
Cross-Community Infra validation
Health Reviews
Planning for the next reviews
Any Other Topics
TAC Appointed Seats
The TAC discussed the methods for filling the new appointed member seats.
It was suggested that we have a Security and 5G SBP SMEs.
@Casey Cain and @Ranny Haiby suggested that we start defining the specific needs before voting on specific seats
@Ranny Haiby offered to prepare a draft role definition for a security SME.
@LJ Illuzzi to prepare a role description for 5G SME
Casey noted that community feedback has led us to believe that we need to discuss revitalizing our Infra Committee and possible topics.
@Casey Cain CI Optimization and the roles between the community and LF.
@Andrew Grimberg Global JJB is open to the community for contribution. We also have Jenkins Pipeline which we can use as an alternative.
ODL is migrating to Pipelines.
@Cédric Ollivier to prepare a draft agenda
@Casey Cain to send out a poll to the TAC and community to find a meeting time for the Infra Meeting
@Olaf Renner asked us to invite @Matt Watkins
Health Reviews
@djhunt we haven't done any project Health reviews in awhile.
We request that a project representative for each community provide an update.
After discussion, the TAC suggested that the Health Reviews can use LF Insights data as a backdrop to the suggestions. @djhuntwill also draft an outline of the flow of a health review (completing the template is not required)
@cl664y@att.com from ONAP and @Dave Wallace from FD.io were asked and accepted to be the first Health Reviews
DTF Programming Committee