2022-10-12 TAC Minutes
Attendees & Representation (default sort: member first name)
TAC Members and Project representatives should mark their attendance below
Non-TAC project reps do not count towards meeting quorum
X = Present | P = Proxy (Indicate in the table with @name for @name
Chairperson | Vice-Chair | Community Seat | Community Seat |
@djhunt | @cl664y@att.com |
ONAP | OpenDaylight | Anuket | FD.io | |
@cl664y@att.com | @Robert Varga | @Walter.kozlowski @Gergely Csatari @Lincoln Lavoie @Al Morton | @Dave Wallace | |
ODIM | EMCO | XGVela | L3AF | Tungsten Fabric |
@Martin Halstead | @Amar Kapadia | @Qihui Zhao | @Santhosh Fernandes | @Nick Davey |
Representing | Member | Representing | Member | |
AT&T | @cl664y@att.com | Intel | @Nadathur Sundar | |
China Mobile | vacant | Juniper Networks | @Nick Davey (TF) | |
China Telecom | vacant | Nokia | @Olaf Renner | |
Cisco | @Frank Brockners | Orange | @Cédric Ollivier | |
Deutsche Telekom | @Marc Fiedler | Red Hat | @Stephen Flaherty | |
Ericsson | @Christian Olrog Atlassian | Tech Mahindra | vacant | |
@Ramesh Nagarajan | Verizon | vacant | ||
Huawei | @Huijun Yu | Wallmart | @Santhosh Fernandes | |
IBM | @djhunt (Chair) | ZTE | @Jie Hu |
LF Staff: @Casey Cain, @Kenny Paul, @Ranny Haiby @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) , @David McBride, @LJ Illuzzi
Start the Recording
We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Project Health Reviews
Confluence Spam
Release Management Support Service update
D&TF Event Committee update
TAC Goals
Any Other Topics
Bridge Issues
unsure what happened today
Bi-Annual Community Updated to the GB
Will occur at the F2F GB meeting on Monday, Nov. 14 at this meeting.
Immediately precedes the ONE Summit - travel should be planned accordingly
@Kenny Paul apologized if that hasn't been communicated
Health Reviews
TF review on Oct 26th
XGVela health review on Nov 9th
EMCO will be requesting an Incubation review
Confluence Spam
No new updates yet
IT is working on a longer term solution
Release Management Feedback
@David McBride provided a summary of the LFN Release Management Support Service
The first community to receive the training was L3AF.
Anuket announced that they will be moving to a community-led release management process.
The training is approximately 3 50-minute sessions
D&TF Event Committee updates
2023 TAC Goals
ONAP Community Feedback:
TOPIC: Testing resources - need a better method of communicating best practices and platform migrations
TOPIC: Hybrid D&TFs
Impact of Virtual vs In-person events
Dedicated sessions for collaborative efforts
TOPIC: Wireless and 5G - Can there be an effort to coordinate activities across communities on this topic
Addtional support to develop marketing materials
More discussions about community growth opportunities
@Santhosh Fernandes More website support or community ability to support
@Robert Varga Interaction between build and CI environments
Open Source but not embedded with communities
@Cédric Ollivier recommended http://testresults.opnfv.org/functest/releng.html#/title-slide
Cedric believes there are too many dependencies
@Cédric Ollivier recommended there be a CI community "strike-team"
@Kenny Paul noted that Global JJB is an open-source repo and community members may be able to become a committer there.
Nomination phase for the Appointed seats is now open
Security Seat: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BF-v
5G-SBP Seat: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Bl-v