Best Practices

Best Practices

Best Practices

The scope of this focus area is to define cloud native networking best practices with telecom networking as the primary focus. We collaborate with the Test Catalog and Certification focus areas who work on the implementation and mechanics of the test catalog and the definition of cloud native certifications. 

Key areas of focus

  • Works with community members, projects, infra providers, CNF vendors, and end users to identify pressing cloud native networking challenges

  • Develops vendor neutral best practices for cloud native infra, workloads, and other networking related applications that want to leverage cloud native principles

  • Proactively engages with LF Networking projects to identify challenges or pain points where best practices (community agreed approaches) will add value

  • Publishes community agreed best practices







Meeting Notes




CNTi Best Practices and related repositories are listed here:  https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JHzv