Test Catalog
Test Catalog Focus Area
The CNTI Test Catalog focus area operates under the aegis of LFN. The scope of this focus area is to develop vendor neutral tests for validating cloud native behaviors and best practices in networking applications and infrastructures. We collaborate with the Best Practices and Certification focus areas who work on developing the best practices and the definitions for cloud native certifications.
Key areas of focus
Developing and maintaining cloud native networking tests that can be consumed by downstream projects
Supporting end user questions and providing assistance to help increase the number of consumers of the tests in the catalog
Collaborating with the Best Practices and Certification focus areas
Meeting ID: 96037613296
Meeting Passcode: 567350
International numbers: https://zoom.us/u/alwnPIaVT
Meeting Notes
[Cloud Native Telecom Initiative] CNTi Community Meeting Notes
Join us on LFN Tech Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/lfntech/shared_invite/zt-2cfymedlz-358~927JZBYfVJRMA7P9jg
CNTi Test Catalog and related repositories are listed here: Repositories and Project Backlogs