Agenda and Meeting Minutes 31Aug2021

Agenda and Meeting Minutes 31Aug2021


@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)

@Timo Perala (Nokia)

31 Aug Agenda is:



Quick update on a Technical Charter question

Update on TAC Induction- Review the 1st draft of the Induction proposal

  • arrange request of TAC Induction for Sept 22

Update from Intel engineering team on seed code CI/CD preparation

Open Discussion & Next Steps

Future Agenda Items:

Confirm TAC Induction Presentation Date (Sept 22 2021 Desired)

KubeEdge positioning for TAC deck. 

Launch Discussions...


We went over briefly the comment in the Technical Charter draft as to a link requested for the referenced Linux Foundation "Series Agreement".

The link is : https://www.google.com/url?q=https://lfprojects.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/49/2019/05/Combined-Series-Agreement-and-TM-License-Template-May-2019.docx&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1630420107364000&usg=AOvVaw011iaKBI-MuHIoD_Aut6N7

We spent the next 40 minutes going over the draft LFN TAC Induction presentation in the works for our project. 

It was noted that one big thing we need to flesh out more completely on our wiki is a description of our overall Governance structure. 

  • AR: Bob will work with Louis and other community members to make some progress on this item as he is only working a few hours further this week before the next meeting, on holiday otherwise. 

It was requested/suggested that , on the slide that talks about current project vitality, we add commit statistics, if available, from the current internal Intel development.

  • AR- Sharad/Ritu will look into capturing some statistics that we can publish on the slide before our planned Sept 22 TAC presentation. 

It was requested that we ensure that the EMCO technical overview position itself as complimentary to ONAP, with a request to seek if some architecture diagram or other such indication could be added to the deck to make this clear, given that ONAP's TSC Chair is on the TAC and there has been some discussion within ONAP community of possible overlap and so we want to get out of front on this item. 

  • AR- Ritu to please work with Srini and others to see what can be created to address this ONAP synergy more completely

Intel participants noted on the Tools slide that Intel would prefer to use JIRA for issues tracking.

Bob asked if anyone else had any objections. None were immediately raised but Bob suggested that we vote on this in the next meeting. 

Bob reiterated that we need to formally request to the LFN TAC to get an audience for the Induction proposal. The AR was given to Cathy Zhang and Louis to make that request and that was actually completed later in the day. Done

We need to arrange the LF License Scan to be done sometime before the 22nd of Sept TAC preso 

  • AR- Sharad to work with Louis to investigate how to arrange that

Bob asked if the seed code drop and initial CI/CD working build pipeline will be completed before Sept 22.

Sharad answered that it should be, but some cleanup remains, such as removing references to OpenNESS, and some elements of the build are still WIP. 

Louis noted that it would be preferable to have seed code published, even if cleanup work remains, which would need to be identified, as absence of any seed code could be a blocker that dealys approval for Induction. Intel will seek to ensure seed code is published in the EMCO project repository and document remaining cleanup. 

A final note reqarding process was raised that we should consider pivoting our minutes capture to TSC Meeting Minutes, rather than Formation Meeting Minutes, since we now have formed a TSC.

  • AR Bob to raise this in the next meeting Sept 8 and possibly call a vote on this action item. 

A final suggestion on the TAC Induction deck was raised by Cathy Zhang that we may want to consider adding some positioning material with respect to CNCF KubeEdge project, as this topic has come up in discussions in the past and may come up from TAC members. We should be prepared. Bob will add this to the discussion for next meeting. 

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