03-15-2023 TSC Meeting Minutes

03-15-2023 TSC Meeting Minutes

TSC Meeting Zoom link

Meeting Recording

Meeting Chat File

Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.

LF Staff: @LJ Illuzzi 



Action Items

PRs to merge:
@LJ Illuzzi Where is the Mentorship Program advertised outside of LFN? response- I know we advertise on our lists, but we also get invisibility through the mentorship portal which is advertised by the LF. I don’t know exactly what their advertisement lists look like.
@Daniel Havey - media around Traffic Mirroring code is open source. Bring to the MAC
Media- Jason to draft verbiage and get Walmart signoff
@Santhosh Fernandes Open PR for Windows issue
@Dhivya R readout on R2 Release Management
@LJ Illuzzi What is protocol for interviews; wait until after 04/28 or real-time as applications come in? Response- for efficiency projects conduct interviews as applications come in. Feel free to schedule interviews with the first 2 applicants and as they come in going forward.
@LJ Illuzzi Can a project have multiple Mentees? - Short answer is Yes if there is budget. Rank Mentees 1, 2, 3 and we'll address after 04/28.
@LJ Illuzzi @Karan Dalal Doodle Poll for meeting time and/or update on Slack with opinion from IST communitiy members
@Daniel Havey @Karan Dalal Upcoming Blog discussing open sourcing of Traffic Mirroring. Coordinate with the MAC

Future Agenda Items