05-16-2023 TSC Meeting Minutes
05-16-2023 TSC Meeting Minutes
TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording:
Meeting Chat File:
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi
Meeting note taker
Welcome new attendees
- LFN Governing Board Meeting May 16 - Thank you & Followup
- LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 - Call for Topic Submissions
- R2 Release Management (Dhivya)
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
General Topics (cover as needed)
Use Cases
Project structure
Technical Steering Committee
- LFN Governing Board Meeting May 16 - Thank you & Followup
- Thank you Santhosh and Karan for covering the project with the Board.
- Followup and Action Items:
AI: Open SSF what percentage on the scorecard? Most importantly: is it visible on LFX Security?
- Standardization around eBPF; How is the community addressing standardization? Karan- partnering with eBPF Foundation to share commonalities. Microsoft spans both communities.
Board requests/AIs:Seek more resources to work Standardization (inside and outside the community)
- Standardization around eBPF; How is the community addressing standardization? Karan- partnering with eBPF Foundation to share commonalities. Microsoft spans both communities.
- Reach out to CNCF and other eBPF-linked communities…. D&TFs
- IETF standardization - Going to vote for WG.
- How can LFN do more to bring standardization.
- Participate on mailing list and send people to meetings.
- eBPF Foundation
- Standardization still a discussed goal?
- eBPF foundation is a funding organization (under LF)
- Doesn't publish standards.
- Standardization still a discussed goal?
- IETF does standards and the eBPF foundation does open source.
- IETF 117 July 22-28: IETF | IETF 117 San Francisco
- IETF BPF mailing list: Bpf Info Page (ietf.org)
- IETF draft BPF WG charter: BPF/eBPF (ietf.org)
- L3AF doesn't (today) directly depend on the instruction set per se, but may depend on the map types and BTF
- LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 - Call for Topic Submissions - June 6-8, 2023. Virtual event
- Potential Topics:
- R1 Overview and Demo (includes traffic mirroring)
- L3AF deployment and integration with UPF
- Roadmap: R2, R2.1, L3AF on Windows
- Include with R1 discussion? Yes.
- Topics Submission Page
- Virtual D&TF session guidelines
- Topic submission deadline is 05/19
- Make sure to submit topic on time.
- get slides and start conversations for approval.
- Reminder to Register
- Best place for marketing the project- this is how we grow the community within LF/LFN
- Potential Topics:
- Release Management
- Optimising Traffic Mirroring (Arunkanth) Link
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- L3AF R2
- RBAC https://github.com/l3af-project/l3af-arch/discussions/57
- https://github.com/l3af-project/l3afd/pull/229
- Dynamic update of custom struct in eBPF maps
- L3AFD v2.1
- L3AF on Windows
- L3AF R2
- Any Other Business
Action Items
- Dhivya R Release Management Plan- add milestones for testing, documentation, package. What else is needed from a delivery standpoint?
Future Agenda Items
Start with
, multiple selections available,