2020-05-22 [CNTT - Trials] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
2020-05-22 [CNTT - Trials] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Scot Steele (AT&T)
@Jim Baker (LFN)
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
@Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T)
Review/Update Plan
Discuss ETSi Plugtest
FT Participants
Verizon closer. @Beth Cohen to nudge their team and will schedule meeting with @Scot Steele @Scott Steinbrueck
VMWare Meeting Next week
AT&T may need a review with @Cédric Ollivier
Release "form"
Jim provided Link to a reference, @Scot Steele to write up and send to @Jim Baker for Legal review
Will be a disclosure statement, no signatures will be required.
Progress a little slower than desired, @Scot Steele to set aside time early next week to complete
ETSI PlugTests
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) @Scot Steele to talk with @Trevor Cooper to determine if a Pod can be setup to support VNFs
, multiple selections available,