Minutes 16Sept2020

Minutes 16Sept2020


@Kalyankumar Asangi @Olaf Renner @Kenny Paul @Casey Cain @Jim Baker @Trishan de Lanerolle @Emma Foley @Davide Cherubini @Heather Kirksey @cl664y@att.com  @Emma Foley @Bob Monkman (Deactivated)


  • Anti-Trust policy review

  • Review action items

    • IETF update

    • LFN update

    • ONF update

  • Nexts steps


@Heather Kirksey announced that Priyanka Sharma will be leading the efforts for the Linux Foundation.

A brief discussion was had around making sure that there is consistency in the language that is adopted across all platforms.

Reviewed IETF analysis done by @zygmunt_lozinski.  See comments on this page: Minutes 2Sept2020

@Ed Warnicke suggests that the context of the terminology is important.  The replacement term may vary based on the technology/context where that term is used, and thus we ought to look at what group is the authority for that term.

@Emma Foley Suggested that we create a list of where these non-inclusive terms are used and who the authority is behind that term in the right context. 

@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Can we start to collect feedback from partners on what areas will need to be addressed?  There may be terms or areas of concern that we may not even have thought of.

@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) volunteered to do some initial research to build a table of terms and suggested replacements and the context as to why a community may want to adopt certain language. 
@Casey Cain to create LFN mailing list for this working group, adding everyone who has attended meetings so far (if possible); will publish list to lfn-tac.  Also when Linux Foundation creates their mailing list, he will share with the group