2022-06-16 - ODL: Ecosystem BoF

2022-06-16 - ODL: Ecosystem BoF

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Robert Varga

  • @Miroslav Miklus

Topic Description

90m, @Robert Varga

OpenDaylight has a number of roles to fill in current and future networks (like 5G). This topic will focus on bringing the ecosystem together to discuss what the future holds.

Topic Overview

OpenDaylight is making a number of transitions with 2022.09 Chlorine release. Since we are serving a broad ecosystem of both community-engaged and stealth stakeholders, this topic will provide the forum all sorts of topics:

  • 2023.03 Argon features

  • 5G use cases

  • K8S integration

  • planned features and improvements

  • use case gaps

  • community governance and engagement

  • common interests and collaboration

While the session will discuss some amount of technical detail and pre-set agenda, it is meant to be an open meeting to engage any newcomers and discuss any item brought by the audience to a reasonable detail.

Slides & Recording


Awesome presentation

  • Point 1

  • Point 2


Action Items