TAC Appointed Member Seats

TAC Appointed Member Seats

On May 4, 2022 the TAC agreed to add 2 seats to its voting roles.  On May 17, 2022 the LFN Governing Board approved the resolution.

TAC Appointed Members

The TAC may itself appoint up to two members at the needs of the TAC.

Number of TAC Appointed Members

  • The TAC may at any point by majority vote add up to two TAC Appointed member seats to the TAC.

  • The TAC Appointed seat expires at the conclusion of the term of the person selected to fill it.

TAC Appointed Candidates

  • Candidates for TAC Appointment to the TAC are nominated by the existing TAC members.

  • A nomination page will be created for each candidate, including a supporting statement and contact information

  • Candidates must accept nomination prior to consideration.

  • Failure to accept within two weeks is considered declining the nomination.

  • Once the candidates' nomination period is complete, there will be a 14-day period for the TAC to contact and evaluate candidate submissions.

TAC Appointed Member Voters

  • Existing TAC members may vote on admitting a candidate

    • In the event that there are more candidates under consideration than available TAC Appointed seats, the election should use a multiple-candidate method, e.g.:

TAC Appointed Member Term

  • TAC Appointed Members shall serve a one-year term.

  • As an appointed seat's term expires, the TAC may re-evaluate the criteria for a seat or determine that a seat is no longer needed.