2023 Silver Member Election Candidates
(Candidates listed in the order nomination was received)
Headshot: | Bio: | Candidate's Statement: |
Headshot: | Bio:Sebastian Scheele is the current Silver Member Representative of the LFN Governing board, where he has consistently advocated to expand the support the LFN provides for the silver members and LFN projects. In his daily work Sebastian is the co-founder of Kubermatic, a start-up with 90 employees that is the #8 contributor to Kubernetes and that is focused on developing open core software solutions for automating Kubernetes operations at scale. As one of the early pioneers in the cloud native ecosystem since 2016, he has helped dozens of telecoms and hundreds of enterprises embrace containers to solve cutting edge challenges in both cloud and edge computing. | Candidate's Statement:Currently, small companies are only represented on the LF Networking Governing Board by myself and the largest companies should not make all the top level decisions for LF Networking. The company that I co-founded and lead, Kubermatic, is a startup just like over 50% of the 50+ LF Networking silver members who are small companies. Kubermatic has been one of the earliest members of both LF Networking and CNCF. I have worked with dozens of telcos and understand their unique requirements and how they will impact a successful transition to cloud native. Recently elected to CNCF governing board, I would serve on LF Networking’s governing board to accelerate LF Networking’s projects such as ONAP to cloud native. |