2023-05-22 CVC Meeting Minutes


  • @Olivier Smith 

  • @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 

  • @Kodi 

  • @Scot Steele 

  • @Lincoln Lavoie 

Absent (but included here so they receive the meeting minutes):

  • @Yan Yang 

  • @Marc Price 

Open Action Items

** There will be no CVC meeting on May 29th due to a public holiday **

Agenda and Minutes

  • Review of Anuket Assured plans

    • Workstreams 

      • Pre-requisites / Blockers: Scot & Kodi

      • Anuket Certified Lab:  Lincoln

      • Anuket Certified R2 CNF:  Olivier


    • Prerequisites Workstream Status

      • No updates for this week but Scot and Kodi are planning to setup a series of working sessions together to make progress. 

    • Anuket Certified Lab Workstream Status

      • Lincoln to finalize replies to comments and CVC will review on an upcoming call when ready. 

    • Anuket Certified R2 CNF Workstream Status

      • Workload tests in Anuket now cover 14 of the 15 Essential tests from the CNCF CNF Test Suite which brings us into closer alignment.  The main value of reaching alignment was to avoid diverging on CNF best practices unless there are strong reasons within Anuket to motivate those differences.  Given ongoing work with the Anuket Taskforce, we are currently not pushing hard for the next steps:  Identifying which requirements and tests would be selected for a version 1.0 Anuket R2 CNF badge. 

New Action Items

  • None this week.

Meeting Recording

  • @Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) to add