2023 TAC Vice-Chair Election

2023 TAC Vice-Chair Election

Information on the TAC Vice-Chair Role

The TAC will elect from amongst voting TAC members a Vice-Chair.  The TAC shall hold elections to select a Vice-Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a Vice-Chair may serve. 


The Vice-Chair will support the TAC Chair.

The Vice-Chair will represent the TAC when the TAC Chair is not available unless another delegation has been made explicitly. 

Election Mechanics

How to nominate yourself

The election process occurs in two phases; the Nomination phase, and the Election phase.

Self Nomination Phase

Individuals interested in running for this position must update this wiki page with their biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person to hold this position.

The nomination phase starting May 24, 2023   and will conclude on Jun 7, 2023  17:00 PDT. 

Election Phase

If there are multiple nominees: A Condorcet election will be initiated by the LF using the OpaVote voting system.  All TAC members will receive an invitation to vote. In the case of multiple candidates the timing is as follows:

  • The election phase will begin on with the distribution of the OpaVote poll via email

  • The election phase will end four (4) full business days later in the same time zone the poll was initiated from (typically PDT).


Information on Candidates

Name:Muddasar Ahmed

Company: MITRE

Short Biography

Muddasar is a Principal Architect at MITRE specializing in architectures and security of Cloud and Modern Networks, including 5G.

He is a graduate of The George Washington University and has over 20 years of Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security related experience in enterprise and service provider environment.  Muddasar a brings a well-rounded perspective to in his interaction as he has previously been hands in solution testing, green filed deployments, and solution incubation.  Muddasar was a delivery lead in Cisco incubation labs for service providers, and directly responsible for developing revenue generating multi-vendor technology solutions for service providers that included Private Cloud, Content Delivery Networks, Cloud Object Store, Software based CLASS4/5 switches for VoIP and VoCable.  

He has been active member of ONAP SECCOM, supported consensus building for SECURITY hardening of ONAP build process and software such as Security Logging, Software Bill of Materials, Technical Debt Management, Unmaintained Code Management, and Security Maturity Assessment.  Muddasar is passionate about creating new solution and with that intellectual curiosity, he has been active member of Super Blueprint Community to improve the quality of process and outcomes for industry solutions. Muddasar helped team deliver an agile delivery model for SBP demonstration as well as helped create a template for necessary information for all solutions.  Muddasar is currently working to create Lab in a Box package that will reduce the efforts to recreate SBP solutions in MNO environment. Muddasar represents LFN SBP project in TAC.

Muddasar is also active in improving the standards, often supports his colleagues on Key Issues/Solutions making into Technical Specs in 3GPP, ORAN Alliance, and ETSI.  Muddasar is a founding member of team that developed FiGHT, a 5G threat model for Mobile Operations. 

Statement of Intent

If elected, Muddasar will support TAC chairperson on TAC initiatives and serve as chairperson when chairperson is unable to attend official work of the TAC. I intend to work together with the TAC Chair and fellow members in helping the LFN projects succeed.




