2024-05 - Nephio: Nephio R3 Developer Event

2024-05 - Nephio: Nephio R3 Developer Event

Short Description

Full day event on Thursday, May 2nd, multiple presenters

3rd Nephio developer/community summit to celebrate the second release, discuss upcoming third release goals, and next steps.

Topic Overview

This is a full day Nephio R3 Developer Event. We'll have a few guest speakers, overview of Nephio current state and next steps, as well as sessions concentrating on release roadmap, platform evolution, onborading, CI/CD/DT, Security, among others. The event is intended to be interactive, meaning there will be a community member setting the scene and then all the participants are expected to chime in.
Agenda of the day: https://wiki.nephio.org/display/HOME/Nephio+R3+Developer+Event+Agenda

In addition to full day event on Thursday there will be additional sessions and time on Friday morning for deep dives. Check out the schedule! https://teamup.com/ksgw6qzqcmg9zbzsfq?date=2024-05-02&view=md2

Session Type


Interactive technical presentation and/or capability demo

Pre-Recorded technical presentation and/or capability demo

Live / hands-on technical training


Community process, governance or collaboration development

Real-time troubleshooting, bug-scrub or similar

Other (please describe)

Slides & Recording


Following the event session recordings may be uploaded to our YouTube Channel at the full discretion of LFN staff.

Notes From Session (as appropriate)

Action Items (as appropriate)