2023-11 - ODL: 2024.03 Calcium release highlights

2023-11 - ODL: 2024.03 Calcium release highlights

Short Description

60m, @Robert Varga 

This session will provide an overview of the improvements made in the 2024.03 Calcium Simultaneous Release.

Topic Overview

OpenDaylight has just released its 20th Simultaneous Release, 2024.03 Calcium.

This session will provide a light overview of what we have achieved in the 6 months, as well as a brief look as to what comes next.

Session Type


Interactive technical presentation and/or capability demo

Pre-Recorded technical presentation and/or capability demo

Live / hands-on technical training

Community process, governance or collaboration development

Real-time troubleshooting, bug-scrub or similar

Other (please describe)

Slides & Recording


Following the event session recordings may be uploaded to our YouTube Channel at the full discretion of LFN staff.

Slides DTF2024-05-Calcium-update.pdf

Notes From Session (as appropriate)

Action Items (as appropriate)