2022-11 - ODL: Release overview and planning

2022-11 - ODL: Release overview and planning

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Robert Varga

Topic Description

60m, @Robert Varga

We have shipped 2022.09 Chlorine and are executing on 2023.03 Argon. This will provide a brief overview of deliveries and a place for discussing next steps.

Topic Overview

We have shipped 2022.09 Chlorine and are executing on 2023.03 Argon. This will provide a brief overview of deliveries and a place for discussing next steps.

  • 2022.09 Chlorine overview

  • 2023.03 Argon MRI overview

  • 2023.09 Potassium planning

    • Platform projects reshuffle

    • Long-term scalability and use case evolution

Slides & Recording


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Awesome presentation

  • Point 1

  • Point 2


Action Items