2022-11 - ONAP: Complete Life-Cycle of CNF Orchestration
Topic Leader(s)
@Lukasz Rajewski
Topic Description
45 min + questions, @Lukasz Rajewski
The presentation will cover the demonstration of the existing CNF Orchestration capabilities that were being developed since Guilin release and have mature & verified status. The main focus is the last missing part of the CNF lifecycle that is now fully supported in the Kohn release - E2E CNF Upgrade with model change in the SDC.
Topic Overview
Since Kohn, we cover all the aspects of CNF life cycle management like creating, deleting, updating, verifying the status, and synchronizing it into AAI. We are able to modify now the model of the CNF in the SDC and enforce the update of the existing service instance base on this model
The presentation will have the form of a demo. We will show the E2E lifecycle of the exemplary CNF when the following operations would show:
Onboarding of CNF Model v1 (Helm package v1)
Instantiation of the CNF instance base on the v1 of the model
Verification of the status of CNF in K8s and in AAI
Healthcheck of the CNF instance
Onboarding of CNF Model v2 (Helm package v2)
Upgrade of the service model of the existing service instance
Execution of the Upgrade procedure for CNF instance
Verification of the status of CNF in K8s and in AAI
Healthcheck of the CNF instance
Slides & Recording
Awesome presentation
Point 1
Point 2