2020-09-30- [CNTT - Technical Steering Committee] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Table of Contents
Anti-Trust Policies
Agenda / Minutes
- Baraque is delivered !
- Elbrus (Current release). CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle
- LFN Conference on Oct 13-15. 2020 October Virtual Technical Event and 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals
- OITF - GSMA Task ForceWalter.kozlowski
- Meeting on to endorse Baraque release
- Present to Networking group Plenary on
- Survey for SDN Ahmed ElSawaf
- Survey doc can be found in Ahmed's email distribution
- Results will be shared at the vF2F
- Meld
- a tag line: Increase productivity through improved, more efficient leadership
- Still takes effort to setup in order to make efficiency possible
- Operational/TSC task force @ 15:00 UTC https://zoom.us/j/94697698104
- Gov/Org Task Force Meeting @ 14:00 UTC https://zoom.us/j/92394523259?pwd=WWxpbC9pNkViSWc1MEVUMENBZzZLUT09
- Need a page
- General information
- Talking points (Direction / Scope)
- How is it organized, meeting structure, goals, milestones
- How to get involved, how to share information outcome
- Meld Communications will ramp up soon
- OPNFV: Note that the release should be Jerma (with a J)
- WSL Topics
- Officer Topics
Meeting Info
- https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/wiki/Meetings
- Every Wednesday @ 12:00 UTC. https://zoom.us/j/93582754917?pwd=eno1ME5COXQ1QVRtUDFOLy9kNzIrUT09