03-01-2023 TSC Meeting Minutes
TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording
Meeting Chat
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
LF Staff:
Meeting note taker
Welcome to new attendees
Issue discussion/Dev updates
L3AF on Windows
General Topics (cover as needed)
Use Cases
Project structure
Technical Steering Committee
https://github.com/l3af-project/l3afd/pull/182 - merged (Dave T)
R2 is targeted for May
A L3AFD v2.1 project was created: https://github.com/orgs/l3af-project/projects/4
Moved Issue #178 to L3AFD v2.1 to L3AFD v2.1
L3AF on Windows
LFN Mentorship Program for L3AF on Windows
Next Steps:
Complete and review the final proposal
TSC vote to accept and move forward by Mar 6, 2023
Action Items
Maintainers to review l3af-arch discussion diagram for new chaining: https://github.com/l3af-project/l3af-arch/pull/55/files
PRs to merge:
Lots of dependabot PRs at Pull requests · l3af-project/l3afd (github.com)
@Dave Thaler - does "L3AFD running on Azure Windows VM #178" belong on 6 month or 1 year roadmap?: https://github.com/orgs/l3af-project/projects/3. Not yet known. Dependancy- https://github.com/microsoft/ebpf-for-windows/issues/1641. Ask in 1 month (end of March)
@Santhosh Fernandes create a new project for L3AFD v2.1