EUAG 2019-06-04 Meeting notes

EUAG 2019-06-04 Meeting notes


Jun 4, 2019


  • @Jim Baker @Kenny Paul @Nishi Mathur @Olivier Augizeau @Vincent Colas @Marc Fiedler @LIN MENG @Atul Purohit @Gerald Kunzmann @Former user (Deleted)


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)

  • Review Telstra ONAP priorities, current deployments and future directions - @Nishi Mathur

  • Review CMCC ONAP priorities @LIN MENG

  • Discuss DDF plans - @Atul Purohit


Open meetings? @Kenny Paul

  • Concerns were raised a couple weeks ago that because EUAG meetings are public  it may be inhibiting open communications among the operators. 

  • Polling the membership on the topic is appropriate

Telstra priorities - @Nishi Mathur

3 use cases 

  1. ONAP as a "third party" operational domain manager (Operational Domain Manager) Frankfurt

    1. Use ONAP as the management tool for the National Broadband Network (fixed broadband env)

    2. ONAP consume service definition from NBN

    3. Complete lifecycle management of third party services via ONAP

    4. ONAP consume domain specific APIs - impact on SDC and ExtAPI 

  2. ONAP as "VNF" Operational Domain Manager

    1. On-board VNFs/manage complete lifecycle

    2. ?Is there an interest in combining multiple orchestrators?

      1. ONAP needs to co-exist with other managers

      2. Changes required for horizontal and North bound communications

  3. ONAP as Cross Domain operational domain manager (related to edge automation)[

    1. E2E lifecycle management in a multiple domain problem space

Atul - discussed the template for the prioritized list. 

CMCC priorities - @LIN MENG

4 aspects in priority order

  1. Modularity

    1. Maturity is a concern - SDC, SO, DCAE, A&AI, and UUI

    2. Have been enhancing modules capabilities by realizing use cases on each release

    3. Set assessment of each modules maturity level

  2. Platform Usability

    1. External interoperability - NBI with BSS/OSS, SBI with 3rd party controllers and cross operator communication

    2. Internal consistency - generic catalog or parser service, systemic way to persist ONAP event data, closed loop design and capabilities, 

    3. Documentation of implementations

    4. Alignment with standards - specifically with model driven

  3. VNF Validation

    1. Both Heat and TOSCA validation

    2. Increase the richness of compliance and verification test cases

    3. Both design time and run time validation

    4. Plan on devoting resources to TOSCA VNF validation, promote vendors VNFs, provide lad support

  4. Use case scenarios

    1. E2E network slice management (5G)

      1. ONAP working with NSMF, NSSMF 

        1. Clarify usecase gaps via vcollab w/ SDOs

    2. CCVPN Extension (beyond Dublin functionality)

      1. enhance service design

      2. Site NS deployment

      3. cross-operator connect

DDF / Plugfest plan for EUAG @Atul Purohit

  • Planned attendees: @Nishi Mathur @Andreas Geißler @Lingli Deng

  • DDF plan: 

    • Summarize the 7 service providers requirements - get a single view of the priorities

    • Meet/greet on Day1

    • Use Case subcommittee/EUAG meeting Day1

      • Gain common view of service provider requirements

      • Unify the Use Case Committee/EUAG requirements

    • EUAG and ONAP TSC collaboration Day2

    • ONS EU plans Day3

  • ?Are service providers articulating the requirements to drive ONAP into production?

    • This is a known next step, but going slowly

  • Expected outcome

    • Clear list of priorities - jointly with use case

    • Release wise preferences - shared with TSC and agreed to...

Action items

Jun 4, 2019 @Jim Baker @Kenny Paul draft a poll around the topic of open meetings. Review w/ Atul and Marc before sending.  Due. Jun 18, 2019 
Jun 4, 2019 @Jim Baker poll to EUAG to ask about DDF participation Due Jun 4, 2019