20191119 [CNTT - RLM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Toshi Wakayama
Release Management
Lifecycle Management
("AI" = Action Item)
Release Management Gap Analysis - Deliverable
Cadence – how often
Release Dates – actuals / when
Secondary – CNCF, Kubernetes, OpenStack
Dependencies w/upstream and downstream
Cascading visual
CNTT components RM & RA vs. RI & RC
AI – @speedwyre strawman approach to gap analysis
Problem Statement – how can our release cycle in any way enable the community to accelerate VNF onboarding?
AI - @Toshi Wakayama With respect to release lifecycles, what problems might operators be trying to solve/understand from a planning perspective with respect to VNF certification?
Lifecycle Management
leverage for feedback from GSMA on viability of VNF certifications
Reference Model needs to be made a GSMA specification (long-term)
AI – @Toshi Wakayama reach out to @Jisu Parkfor ideation of approach to making Reference Model a GSMA specification long-term
E.g. what approach should CNTT take in early discussion, ideation, and options