WS05: ONAP Orchestration and Testing

WS05: ONAP Orchestration and Testing

Primary ONAP Contacts: @cl664y@att.com @Amar Kapadia @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  @Ranny Haiby @Srinivasa Addepalli@Fernando Oliveira @Byung-Woo Jun @Lukasz Rajewski  @Kanag

Updates (June 11th, 2020)

  • #1 ETSI CNF Path - Investigation phase, working jointly with ONAP Modeling Subcommittee, waiting for ETSI specs (draft version, expected to be released during the Guilin timeframe)

    @Fernando Oliveira@Byung-Woo Jun




  • #2 CNF Orchestration (Guilin Release Candidate) - ONAP Architecture Review completed, waiting TSC prioritization decision and dev/test commitments @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  >


    • https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-341

      • This is the part of the initial steps towards CNF orchestration efforts of ONAP through K8s Integration

      • The requirements deals with the design and instantiation of the CNFs modeled through the helm chart and on-boarded to the ONAP.

    • Next updates (June 29th) will be dedicated to the new ONAP CNF task force focusing on Modeling/Inventory

      • https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-394

      • The task force intends on finding a generic model that could leverage the ONAP to support CNFs models and storage in inventory,

        • Meeting Details :

        • On Friday at UTC 12:30 pm on zoom bridge 98408415989

      • its objectives are :

        1. 1. Describe the Information Element in words

          2.Define the properties (e.g., attributes, known relationships, etc.)

          3.Where does this information come from? (i.e. originator)

          4.Who uses this information inside & outside of ONAP? (i.e. consumers) and how do they use it?

          5.Who updates this information inside & outside of ONAP? (i.e. producers)

          6.Where will this information stored and maintained in ONAP? (i.e. steward)

          7.Perform UML Modeling (including mapping to existing concepts)

          8.Prioritization for ONAP Releases

          9.Identify impacted ONAP schemas & APIs, Are there existing schemas be used or extended?

          10.Develop implementation schema (identify component impacts on schema changes)

  • #3 Cloud Native Security <Ranny to investigate>


Previous Updates (April 20th, 2020) - Initial POC/Guilin Requirements (excluding ONAP Tooling i.e. VVP/VNFSDK/VTP tracked under WS03-Labs and Tooling)

#1 Initial experimentations with basic CNF(s) in order to validate onboarding, instantiation, monitoring processes  @Bin Yang, @Srinivasa Addepalli@Lukasz Rajewski, @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  

Presentation during LFN Event - Day 2 April 22nd, 2020 - 2.30pm UTC: CNF Task Force - CNF Orchestration based on CNTT Requirements

cFW POC (in progress)

In Dublin (4th ONAP Release), we showcased deploying CNFs & VNFs (firewall use case)  and normal applications on the same cluster from ONAP. Also,  Akraino ICN project is bundling ONAP4K8s. 

In Frankfurt (6th ONAP Release), the vFW CNF CDS use case shows how to instantiate multiple CNF instances similar way as VNFs bringing CNFs closer to first class citizens in ONAP.

In Guilin (7th ONAP Release), Service Orchetrator is submitting a proposal to enhance their application to support CNFs.

Additional links: 

#2 ETSI CNF path @Fernando Oliveira@Byung-Woo Jun

#3 ONAP Cloud Native Security @Krzysztof Opasiak@Sylvain Desbureaux

Additional presentation during LFN Event - Day 2 April 22nd, 2020 - 1.30pm UTC: Service Mesh analysis as alternative for part of ONAP AAF (policy enforcement)





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