MMA Agenda and Minutes 14Apr2020
@Beth Cohen(Verizon)
@Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
@Scot Steele (AT&T)
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
Agenda Bashing (5 minutes)
Marketing Outreach Exec Interview Status (2 Minutes)
Conclusions Summary has been completed for the first 4 interviews. A final write-up is nearly completed for publication
We are working to schedule one final interview with Saudi Telecom.
Marketing Event/Collateral Discussion (15 Minutes)
White paper- Held 2nd meeting on Wednesday Apr 8 with the contract writer- provided initial outline proposal
Sent email asking for help on providing pointers for White Paper Outline; Proposal to cover the current overview and status of RM, RA1 and RA2, RC goals
Several suggestions have come in but still waiting for other WS inputs
Need to compile updates for the late April LFN press/blog update package. Sent request to WS leads and Tech Forum leads but have only received 1 input thus far from RC2 lead.
We only have a couple of days to get input to LFN marketing
Link to draft press release here :
Need to flesh out slides agenda for April Virtual MMA Working Session- Open Discussion.
Working Session- WP working review session (2 hours )
– Review accomplishments
- Brainstrorm digital mktg ideas (interim Bob send a message to folks on idea for webinar series topics)
- Building out 2H mktg plan
Brief intro of Field Trials
-Metrics discussion and planning , reviews of progress etc
review of business, ROI metrics
Add Badging Requirements Discussion ( logical ask from MNOs in terms of the Badging requirements, expectations, RFIs, how binding, is it enforceable
Action Items capture is now included below.
Meeting Notes
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)will arrange a brief working session on fleshing out agenda items of virtual session
@Scot Steele @Nick Chase will jointly manage the Day 3 Field Trial session with Rabi
Roadmap discussion neeeded in Gov Session after Baldy wrt k8s testing , performance testing included? Should that be done for VNF testing as well, or focus the VNF testing on just functional/onboarding?
Discussion went towards focusing more on this topic in the context of CNF/RC2.
Verizon is potentially willing to stand up RC1 Openstack testing field trials