MMA Agenda and Minutes 16June2020


@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)

@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)

Agenda Bashing

Marketing Plan Next Steps

Update on Planned July webinar on Edge: @Beth Cohen

Planning for the virtual face to face MMA session

Open Discussion on continued Marketing Messaging


Outstanding ARs


Beth is on a panel today for SPs using open source to evolve their network:

New Edge Whitepaper published by OpenStack Foundation-

Scot/ Jim Baker will help post Agenda for our MMA session for the virtual session next week. 

MMA Agenda for vConference

  • Webinar Series options

  • Blog contributions

  • Theme & Objectives of the next release (Baraque) 

  • Recruiting community contributors- social media (LinkedIN etc) 

  • Offline brainstorming  of additional topics.