2020-05-04 - [CNTT NFG] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2020-05-04 - [CNTT NFG] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes

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Please add your name in here:

  • @Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)

  • @Sukhdev Kapur  (Juniper)

  • @Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)

  • @Ian Gardner (Vodafone)

  • @Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

  • @Sabine Demel (Deutsche Telekom)

  • @Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)

  • @Oya Gilligan (Vodafone)

  • @Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)

  • @Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)

  • @Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)

  • @Ed Horwath (AT&T)

  • @Karine Sevilla (Orange)

  • @Cédric Ollivier (Orange)


  • Agenda Bashing

  • Antitrust Policy: https://r.lfnetworking.org/Antitrust%20Slide.pdf

  • Current status of the contents move from PR #1325 [RM-Networking] Networking Scope, Principles and H/L Model https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/1325 into Master https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter03.md

  • Planning next updates

  • Review of AIs from the NFG Action Items list (below)

  • Action item from RA1 for NFG: How to handle custom APIs? Get upstream (OSTK)/another project to define common (useful) SDN API extensions.  What should be the CNTT position?  Wait for CNTT Network FG to define position. 

    • Some thoughts about addressing ths (proposed by Sukhdev): 

      • SDN Controllers have plugins in Neutron - All common Neutron APIs are directly supported by the controllers - Additional APIs are needed for advanced networking features, so, either we: 

        • 1) Upstream these additional APIs into Neutron (very hard and non-scalable)

        • 2) Come with an extension model in Neutron so that additional APIs are invoked through this extension

        • 3) Most automated production deployments use Heat templates to manage Neutron and SDN controllers - we specify a common model to define the Heat template/resources - may be the easiest way to address this

  • AOB

Minutes & Actions:


Regarding proposed Tungsten implementation for R (per Sukhdev's email):

  1. TF supports installation by using Airship. This method is used for the Akraino’s Network Cloud blueprint. Since OPNFV also uses Airship for installations, the same steps will be used for installation in OPNFV’s test PODS. Install TF on one or two PODs (not all PODs). This offers PODs with and without TF.  This facilitates the VNFs to be certified with or without TF – therefore, no change in the compliance model.

  2. FuncTest framework is used to test/certify for the CNTT/OPNFV OVP program. FuncTest runs all Neutron specific tests. FuncTests do not care if ML2 or Monolithic plugin is deployed underneath. since TF is fully compatible with Neutron, this will not be an issue and hence, will not create any hindrance. If, by odd chance, if a given test fails or is impacted, we will address it and fix the issue immediately.

  3. TF community (I will lead the effort) will work with OPNFV team to get this implemented and will fully support and provide appropriate resources needed to facilitate this.

The Network Focus Group agreed in the meeting that NFG does not see any reason why this implementation should not go ahead.  This decision may belong to the Tech Lead/TSC (see AI #6)

We also decided to speed up work on detailing the proper role of SDN controller in Cloud Infrastructure (RA1 and RA2), identifying gaps and planning a comparison of existing options.

Action Items


Request merging approval from Kelvin and Rabi to  PR#1325 into the Master RM; proposal is to include in RM Chapter 3.  Proposed section 3.5 or 4.3 to be agreed at RM meeting. PR will be needed after approval.

29 April 2020



email/RM meeting


Need to distinguish between VIM and Cloud Infrastructure Manager, and reflecting different levels of infrastructure management.  Topic for TSC.

29 April 2020



agenda for TSC


Write up an email proposal regarding short term position on SDN (needed for RC) and long term position on SDN APIs (Neutron extension) for an offline discussion

(An email is sent to the team by Sukhdev) 

29 April 2020





Draw a network diagram similar to other diagrams in Chapter 3

11 May 2020

Walter and Tomas



Create PR to move network concepts, model and deployment examples into 4.3

11 May 2020



RM Sec 4.3


Present the NFG view on the proposed implementation of Tungsten fabric  (see Minutes above) to Rabi and if needed TSC for their approval

5 May 2020





Plan for the long term  CNTT view on SDN controller, to be presented to NFG

11 May 2020



offline call