2020-05-11 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Yan Yang
@Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
@Trevor Cooper (Intel)
@Trevor Lovett (AT&T)
@Kanag (Huawei)
@Ryan Hallahan (AT&T)
Patric Lind
@Jim Baker
Outstanding Action Items
General Updates
Board review / approval of the updated CVC moved to email. Need to confirm the outcome with LF staff.
Incoming OVP Reviews
Affirmed Networks VNF: Content Service Module
Submitted May 5, not yet reviewed
@Yan Yang confirm with @Lincoln Lavoie whether the review request has been sent to CVC review group
@Yan Yang mentioned that Spirent has also submitted a formal test certification application for tosca VNF to CVC now, and @Yan Yang will track Spirent to get the latest status.
2020.r1 Release
Update from @Rabi Abdel :
Test Coverage : Traceability Matrix for CNTT Reqs: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56295596
Total: 84 requirements, 50/84 MUST - 60%, 30/84 SHOULD/MAY - 40%
VNF Bading
ONAP Frankfurt release has almost finish RC1 milestone
Badge version update and Readthe docs update is now complete for Heat-based VNFs
@Kanag update : The badge version haven't updated for tosca-based test suits and will not deliver in ONAP Frankfurt release
@Kanag update: The documentation has been updated, but need to confirm whether the update happend in ONAP Readthe docs or OVP documentation in OPNFV , will discuss with CVC further.
Dovetail project has reported the resource needs fo OPNFV TSC, hope the situation can change
X-testing result processing is the biggest workload within OVP portal. @Kanag has discussed with x-testing PTL cedric, ideally the Dovetail team and X-testing team can work together to support this.
For the OPNFV Test API , Yan would like to know more details from Lincoln.
Cloud Native Subcommittee
@Trevor Lovett update: One Key Decisions from April F2F
"CNTT’s RA-2 will be the location and hub for CNF Requirements"
CNTT RA-2 will cover three resource CNF requirements:
CNCF conformance requirements
ONAP CNF onboarding requirements
RC2 CNF conformance requiremtns from infrastructure perspective
Need have a clear scope between different CNTT WS and OPNFV, now CNTT RC and OPNFV CIRV are put together for a meeting
@Trevor Cooper mentioned that there is a WS7 is about ONAP POCs & Existing Development Work to support CNFs and there is also a CNF task force in ONAP, would like to know the ONAP roadmap for CNF supporting.
Any Other Business
The June Developer and Testing Forum date has move to June 22-25 from it's original date of June , if there is any ideas or thoughs about CVC planing sessrion during the event , you can send email to Lincoln and Yan
Next CVC Meeting: May 25, 2020