2020-08-03 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Jim Baker
@Trevor Lovett
@Al Morton
@Yan Yang
Outstanding Action Items
Performance Testing Definitions
Definitions updated / captured here: Performance Testing Minutes
We started with the definitions that were already in the CNTT RC-2 documentation
Next steps:
This material likely needs to get pushed into the CNTT definitions for the RC-x work.
Need to update the pull request: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/1649/files?short_path=1de7343#diff-1de7343abebf78bf3726c870b73c0b7e
@Trevor Cooper was taking the lead on this, following the tech-discuss meetings.
HPE Exemption
HPE has requested an exemption to some requirements with the OVP 2019.12 badge.
Currently in review by the OPNFV TSC
Raises some important questions:
Ongoing maintenance of projects referenced or used within the badging program(s) (i.e. problems created by bottlenecks and yardstick). Future releases could have the same issue, if other tool chains become unsupported as well.
2020.r1 Release
Dovetail portal updates are lagging behind
ONAP VTP team is interested in having an API to automatically submit test results
Need the Dovetail team to finalize the development plan to support these programs, etc.
CNTT RC-1 Trials
At least one trial is aiming to complete by end of August (or first week of September).
ONAP Frankfurt
Release and maintenance release completed, so that would be the input for the test requirements on this release.
Cloud Native Subcommittee Updates
CNF requirements work is ongoing between CNCF and CNTT meetings
CNF requirements going into RA-2
Testing would be broken into categories (approximately)
CNTT specific (RC-2)
CNCF Cloud Native
ONAP Requirement
Need to determine how the categories impact the program
Results review (i.e. multiple sets of results for one CNF)
How does the badge display (i.e. multiple flavors for one CNF)
Sounds like the subcommittee requirements are ready to start the discussions with the LFN branding / marketing folks.
Any other business
Next Meeting: August 17, 2020.