ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-06-16
ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-06-16
Jun 16, 2020
LF Staff: @Kenny Paul, @Casey Cain
Attendees: @Abhijit K @Dan Timoney , @Rich T, @Daniel De La Rosa , @JamO Luhrsen , @JN Naphade, @Michela Bevilacqua , @Luis Gomez Palacios
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
No dates for Guilin yet, expecting end of August for M1 (Planning Review)
Netconf issue: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/c/netconf/+/90262
ONAP currently operates on t releases a year spriung and fall
@Dan Timoney notes that they are tring to decouple from a specific ODL release
Next scheduled meeting on Jul 21, 2020
Action items
@Kenny Paul set up a new mailing list for meeting attendees Jun 16, 2020
, multiple selections available,