ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-09-15

ONAP/ODL Collaboration Meeting notes 2020-09-15


@Casey Cain @Abhijit K @Kenny Paul @David McBride @Daniel De La Rosa @JN Naphade @Thanh Ha@Jeff Hartley@Dan Timoney


  • Aluminum release

    • In the last stages of completion.  Will be able to release Sep 24, 2020 

  • Java 8 is in sodium release  - mostly tested with Java 8 but also Java 11 was tested. 

    • Now using Sodium SR4 in ONAP  and Java 11- no issues reported

  • Magnesium was the first fully supported Java 11 Release.

    • ONAP will be moving to Magnesium with the Honolulu release in spring of 2021

Action items - none