EUAG 2021-03-10 Meeting notes


Mar 10, 2021 


LF Staff: @Kenny Paul @Brandon Wick @Jim Baker
Committee Members: @Randy Levensalor @Lei Huang  @Scott Blandford


  • Start the Recording

  • Antitrust Policy

  • Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)

  • General Topics

    • NFV testing white paper progress - @Lei Huang , @Beth Cohen , @Randy Levensalor , @Cecilia Corbi , @Massimo Massimo

    • AI/ML data and model sharing project proposal @Jim Baker

    • Addressing Enterprise networking needs starting with an "Enterprise Advisory Group" @Kenny Paul

    • Other topics?


 EUAG Calendar vs. Spring time change

  • this time slot will conflict with the TAC meeting beginning on the 24th of the month

  • recommendation to move this meeting to an hour earlier

NFV Testing White Paper

  • Split content of original white paper into a case study and more of a academic white paper (2 papers)

  • Main paper ~50% editing complete; second paper needs a full editing cycle

AI/ML data and model sharing project proposal

  • Only vendors have responded to this

  • Call to action for operators to participate

  • @Randy Levensalor Cablelabs still about 12 months out from being able to actively particapate.

  • @Scott Blandford will reachout within AT&T

  • @Jim Baker will send a reminder to the email list.

Enterprise EUAG

  • Enterprise EUAG.pptx

  • Current EUAG is chartered by LFN Governing Board

  • LFN GB has asked that we begin to explore serving the "Enterprise Networking" vertical 

  • EUAG working well, do not want to disrupt

  • @Scott Blandford There is considerable overlap in topics is this an artificial division

  • Potential conflict of interest by inviting "vendor companies" that have enterprise networks to the single forum

  • Proposal is to create 2 separate advisory groups 

  • @Lei Huang Too many meetings AND considerable overlap in topics may make is difficult for current members

  • @Randy Levensalor There is a need to align the interests between the groups as there are the same number of underlying projects - if there are separate groups, perhaps periodic sync meetings would bring together all the vertical groups

  • @Brandon Wick Previous EUAG tried to recruit other verticals and failed to get critical mass

  • @Jim Baker Perhaps focus groups for enterprise for a couple months, then fold them into EUAG

  • @Scott Blandford Perhaps have both "user groups" and "end user advisory group" - providing ONE set of priorities to the LFN projects would be desirable 

  • @Kenny Paul Limit participation to those that OPERATE the enterprise networks via a charter change

Action items