2023-05-12 D&TF Committee notes
2023-05-12 D&TF Committee notes
ODL | ONAP | Anuket | L3AF | EMCO | ODIM | TF | XGVela | FD.io |
Dave Wallace | ||||||||
Staff | ||||||||
Communications schedule
Send Date Send Time Email Type Subject Line Wednesday, May 31 10:00 AM Pacific 1 week Pre-Event LFN Developer & Testing Forum June - See you next soon! Monday, June 5 10:00 AM Pacific Day Before Pre-Event Email LFN Developer & Testing Forum- June - Virtual Event Instructions Tuesday, June 6 4:45 AM Pacific Day Of Email Starting Soon - LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 Friday, June 9 10:00 AM Pacific Post-Event Thank you for attending LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 Tuesday, June 20 10:00 AM Pacific Post-Event, Survey Reminder Provide your feedback on LFN Developer & Testing Forum Currently, only 2 topic submissions
- Program committee members should be coordinating with their communities about submitting topics before the deadline of
- Kenny Paul will outreach to communities to remind them about the topic submission deadline
Next Meeting
, multiple selections available,